Robyn Michele Levy

I’m a Canadian visual artist, radio broadcaster, and writer. My paintings can be found in private and public collections around the world. My radio work includes documentaries, commentaries, poetry, and sketch comedy for CBC Radio. My first book, Most Of Me: Surviving My Medical Meltdown, was shortlisted for the 2012 Leacock Medal for Humour and the 2012 Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction. My writing has also been published in the Vancouver Sun, the Georgia Straight, among other publications. I have also dabbled in stand-up comedy and slam poetry. I live with my family and my remaining body parts in Vancouver, British Columbia.

 Robyn’s C.V. PDF



32 Responses to Robyn Michele Levy

  1. Bergen Amren says:

    I love your art display.

  2. Fern Kopel says:

    You are by far the most talented, creative soul on this earth. I find you and your work inspirational. You find ways to channel your inner most thoughts and feelings, even in the darkest of times, in such a manner that leaves a wonderful impression and gives hope to those in need of a breath of fresh air. Keep up the amazing work and I can’t wait to read your book!

  3. eyvindj says:

    Hi Robyn
    You are a great inspiration. I was diagnosed Diabetes Type back in 2002 and share with you this ‘in it for life’ syndrome. I went out on a limb 3 weeks ago and took a stemcell treatment in Kiev, Ukraine. The clinic hopes to send it into remission and so far my sugars are on their way down.
    Keep up your good spirits, these spirits serve as inspiration for the rest of us.

    Best regards

  4. Dave Jones says:

    Hi Robyn,

    Turned on the radio last week and a voice from the past was talking to me. I wasn’t surprised to hear you doing such beautiful and charitable things. As a former colleague of yours at CBC I thought you were one of the most creative, grounded, down to earth producers I met at the CBC. Now you’re on a journey no one could have expected. Take it one day at a time. And know that as you continue to inspire you are not alone. You have friends and family and people like me who have been impacted from meeting you — thinking and wishing you the best.
    Dave Jones
    April 11/11

  5. Robyn,
    I just finished listening to the CBC… Robyn – You are a wonderful communicator, you made listening to a very serious topic engaging and if I may.. enjoyable. The love between your father and yourself ooozed from my radio speakers.. it brought me to tears. I so, so enjoyed listening to your story. Trish Kroeger – Shelburne Ontario

  6. Norma Kirsh says:

    Dearest Robyn,
    You are truly amazing!!! You have been tested to a degree that no one your age should ever have to deal with and yet you’re doing it with humour, courage and grace. You are a true inspiration to everyone and the bond that you and your father share was so evident in that interview. You both have that sweet charisma that draws people to you and endears you to them forever. You have an incredible gift to creatively express the darkest sides of life and your insights are universal. I can’t wait to read your book and just want you to know how moved and touched I was to hear you and your father together.
    All my love,

  7. Joan Etheridge says:

    I believe that I trump you. Not only have I had breast cancer with two metastases but I’ve been dependent on a pacemaker since I was 53. I was diagnosed with Parkinsons 18 months ago. What a blow. Next month I’ll turn 75. If I didn’t have concerns about Parkinsons I’d be buying new skis. As it is I’m going snow-shoeing instead at Mount Washington. 🙂
    Keep your spirits up but allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself once in a while. You and your Dad are entitled.
    My very best wished to both of you.
    Joan E.

  8. Peta says:

    I just finished listening to the CBC interview of you and your Dad.

    It was excellent. My brother has Parkinson’s and is in the latter stages.

    Thank you for sharing


  9. Rob Hall says:

    Hi Robyn. I worked for your Dad eons ago…
    I was in France and heard a rebroadcast of your documentary on the CBC. Congratulations on such a poignant, darkly funny and encouraging message to anyone with a debilitating disease. I recognized your Dad’s voice immediately…the same sense of humour, a little more world weary but a “face things head on” demeanor and his obvious pride in your endeavour. You both conveyed the challenge of living with your health issues in an honest, straightforward way that should prove inspirational to everyone in difficult circumstances. Kudos to both of you for your bravery, and joie de vivre.

  10. Therese says:

    I just started your book, and I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry. How did you get into my head? The beginning of your journey pretty closely mirrors my experience leading up to the diagnosis of my Parkinsons at age 46-and I must admit, tears won out when you got to disclosing your diagnosis to your daughter. That’s EXACTLY the reaction my two sons had, and they were right about the same age as she was. Thank you for this book, I can’t decide if I will gobble it right up, or savour it over time. I wish I had a fraction of your grace and humour!

    • Hi Therese,
      I’m always amazed when other women around my age tell me they are going through this too.
      I’m sorry you have PD. It’s a crappy disease.
      Maybe my book will help you laugh a bit more.
      Maybe you’ll even write about your experience?
      Who knows…
      Hugs, Robyn

  11. Nicole says:

    Hi Robyn,

    I just read the article about you in the Globe & Mail and wanted to applaud your courage, strength, and humor. I’m inspired by your ability to articulate what you’re going through and to be so open about it with the world – My Dad was also diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s 16 years ago and recently completed radiation treatments for skin cancer. My Mom had a mastectomy for breast cancer 5 years ago and we have several other family members dealing with cancer and other illnesses…I sympathize with the health issues you are going through, plan to read your book, and hope myself to publish someday as you have.

    Thank you for sharing!

    Best wishes.

    • Hi Nicole,
      Thanks for telling me about your family.
      Sounds like you’ve got lots to write about too.
      Sorry to hear that your loved ones are dealing with these diseases too.
      Keeping a sense of humour helps.
      Plus lots of love and support!
      Wishing you well,

  12. J D Feltz says:

    I was reading your book when I was waiting in the Intensitve Care Unit at the UH in London Ontario(my family member was going through open heart surgery), and I found myself smiling and snickering at your sense of humour, and wording thorughout your book that I found people giving me puzzled looks! You and your family are an inspiration to live life to the fullest no matter what is thrown in your direction!! I was compelled to “google” your name and find more out about you and to see your forever following creativity in your stories, and your art.
    I hope to continue to follow you and your blog, and your creative side!
    Ps, “I ain’t no shave slave” (love it!!)
    take care, you and your family

  13. foxfires71 says:

    You are a wonderfully creative soul…thank you for your inspirations.

  14. Maureen says:

    My husband and I just finished your book on our Kobo’s.
    We loved it. You are such an insightful, lovely person!
    Take Care, Love, Maureen

  15. Connie Denomme says:

    Hi Robyn..really enjoyed your interview with Shelagh Rogers and just finished looking at some of your amazing artwork. Any chance some of your work may become cards? That would be the best way for me to enjoy your work :). Also am looking forward to reading your book….I am a registered nurse who in the last 4 years have been living my own medical meltdown—very different from this side of the gurney! Glad you have the courage to share your story with ‘us’ and I await reading/hearing more as your journey continues.

    In Light

    • Hi Connie,
      Glad to hear you enjoyed my chat with Shelagh. Thanks for checking out my art! Greeting cards? You never know…I’ve gone down that path before. Maybe again. Keep balanced from your side of the gurney and let me know what you think of my book after you’ve read it.

  16. Lawrence Massey says:

    Dear Robyn,
    I fiinished reading your inspiring book , “Most of Me”, last night. What a wonderful personal book about dealing with two diseases at the same time. Your wry sense of humor comes through in every chapter.
    I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1998 at the age of 55 (average onset as compared to your
    “young onset”). Like your father I have experienced all those nasty symptoms – rigidity, freezing, stooped posture, tremors, etc. My first neurologist put me on Sinemet right away. I tried using dopamine agonists ( Mirapex, ReQuip) but the side affects proved to be undesirable.
    In 2002 I started my book-writing “career”. I wrote two books on our farm history, one on our family
    history My latest endeavour, completed in June, 2010, is called “Shaken — not Stirred” (Living with
    Parkinson’s Disease). My books are all self- published; they were never intended for general
    Keep up the good work, Robyn.

    Lawrence Massey

  17. Wendy says:

    Hi! Robyn
    I chanced to hear a rebroadcast of your CBC interview. So many parallels from “cry lady” to having a father with Parkinson’s. I have also recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s so perhaps it’s not so uncommon. So much of what you shared mirrors my own experience. Thank you for articulating it so effectively.

  18. Anita says:

    Dear Robyn:

    Thank you for writing the book and sharing your experiences. It was good to know that I am not the only one who is often visited by her “cry lady”. Your book gave me hope and made me laugh out loud when I could not sleep dealing with my health issues. I know that I was meant to read your book because I don’t have any idea how it ended up on my bookshelf ….Some girls dream of a big walk-in closets in their bedroom. I prefer a walk-in library in mine …

    I hope you are feeling well. All the best.
    Anita from Victoria, BC

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